who is responsible for global warming...? Elon Musk need to think about it or not?


   Am I right...? if I say global warming is the cause of high factory production...!  only most of the developed country is responsible for this air pollution and this is the main reason for global warming. every country has the right to keep the environment clean and fresh but, no right to make it pollution. 

Global warming brings us lots of opportunities. that's why Elon Musk has reason to invent the Tesla car and other mega projects.
this 2022 will define lots of the companies future in technology. the technology which gonna change the whole world is AI Technology. Couse of this, the world becoming much advanced and also riskier. 

one day I had a concept when I was young maybe in grade 6 or 7. some of my concepts exist now. one is human wings, nanotechnology and another is a drone. still have some incomplete concepts. this one is a machine without fuel. let's see what will happen in the future. 
